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Tuesday, 10 August 2021

When Life Gives you Lemons - A personal reflection

 I am noticing more and more tweets from teachers expressing their worries and concerns about going back to school. I am sure there are many of you who are feeling exactly the same so I wanted to share a strategy on how I handled a similar situation as a Principal.

When I became the Principal of a large middle school, we had a provincial government that was very hostile towards teachers. Almost on a daily basis the headlines in the papers were all about how Ontario teachers were underworked, overpaid, and not serving the needs of students. Anyone in a school knew how unfair all of these accusations were but the constant bashing was taking a real toll on education workers. If as a Principal your focus is providing the best opportunities and environment for your students, then you have to worry about the morale of your staff. 

The school is situated in an area where our students really needed us to bring our "A Game" each and every day, and they would sometimes show their appreciation in ways that would challenge all of us. Adults who are feeling unappreciated and maligned are not likely to manage such a situation in a way that best supported the kids we served. I needed to come up with a plan.

I decided that the wellness and wellbeing of my teachers had to be a priority. I set aside $500.00 of my budget for staff wellness. I took the money and purchased 10 x 50.00 gift certificates for a family restaurant and I invented staff bouquets. I called my staff together and told them I was so proud of them for the kind, everyday things they did for each other. I told them we needed to be each others cheerleaders because it wasn't coming from anywhere else, and I urged them to fill out a bouquet to thank a colleague when they did something nice for them. It didn't have to be anything big. Shared a lesson, covered a class for a washroom break, took a duty when you needed help, gave you a compliment when you needed a boost.

The staff jumped on the idea and soon the walls of the staffroom were covered in bouquets thanking colleagues for their everyday acts of kindness. Each month at the staff meeting I would write down all of the names of folks who had been given a bouquet, put them all together in a hat and draw out a name. The lucky name that was drawn was given one of the 50.00 gift certificates to go out with family or friends for a treat. I then placed all of the bouquets in staff mailboxes for them to treasure and we started over again. A little thing but staff loved it.

My next step was to hire a massage therapist with a mobile table to come once a week. She set up in an empty room I had and did 1/2 hour massages for 10.00. Staff would book appointments on their lunch or planning times and enjoy an opportunity to destress in the middle of the day.

We did spirit days that were just for staff, drove the kids crazy trying to figure out why we were all dressed up, lunches catered by administration, a blues day in the middle of February with food all designed around the colour blue, and well, you get the idea. We found a way to take the crap and change it into chocolate pudding for real!

The cost for me as an Administrator, $500.00. The payback for my staff and my kids, priceless. In the middle of all we are going through we must find ways to look after the mental health of our staff so they can look after our kids. There is so much change on the horizon and the pandemic is far from over. With a little creativity we can change the culture of our school from one that seems constantly stormy to one that is fun, upbeat, and positive for kids, because at the end of the day it must be all about the kids.

There will be some of you who read this and say, "I could never do that." Maybe not, but I bet there are even better things you could do. Don't wait for someone else to save you, become your own best cheerleader and turn things in the direction that they should be headed. It will pay huge in the end. Heck you might even find your scores go up if that is what you care about.


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