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Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Why shared leadership is so important when implementing a new initiative!

I recently made a decision to change the leadership of the Peel 21st Century Teaching and Learning committee. I am passionate and committed to moving the 21st Century T&L agenda forward but that passion needs to be shared by the System as a whole.

I want 21C to land. I truly believe it is the change that needs to happen in our schools to re-culture teaching and learning. In five years I want to be able to walk into any classroom in the Peel Board and see the principles of 21C alive and well. I, though, am not a classroom practitioner. I am not a school Principal but I am a System Leader with a responsibility to create a shared vision in support of the 21st C journey. To ensure the sustainability of the vision and initiative, I have passed the chair of the committee to 2 Principals and 1 Vice Principal who are as committed, if not more committed, to the 21st C vision.

To keep the vision alive and to maintain momentum, the impetus needs to reside with Principals and teachers. There has to be collective commitment and a shared belief that 21C is the way of the future. The committee continues to grow and every meeting new people join and swell our ranks. The committee is now made up of teachers, IT/RTs, Principals, Vice Principals, members from our LTSS department, Superintendents of Education and Business. Membership is open and all are welcome. In the meetings voices have equal weight. By sharing the leadership, sharing voice and building a shared vision with collaborative decision making, I believe our "blue sky" dreams will become reality.

In order to ensure succession planning, the move to share the leadership and put it where it belongs, in the field, is the right thing to do. The last thing I need to work on is to rein in my passionate comments and allow the vision to unfold based on the guidance of the new leadership. It is hard but for a change this immense it needs to be owned by the grass roots.

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